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HomeCelebritiesAnele Mdoda Urges Men to Join the Battle

Anele Mdoda Urges Men to Join the Battle

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Heading in source content should remain active

Anele Mdoda

Anele Mdoda claims men need to go to war in other to keep themselves busy.

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The radio personality was triggered to make such a statement after a man who claims to be a feminist asked if other men can marry girls who carry bottles at club.

“Open discussion for gents Would you marry or date a bottle girl,” the man with the Twitter name, Shotgun asked.

Anele who appeared to be irked by the tweet slammed the man and other men who joined the conversation.

“We need men to go to war. Y’all have too much time on your hands,” she wrote.

However, Mdoda’s tweet garnered mixed reactions.

While a few supported her, others attacked her via her words.

“As a male feminist, I advocate for gender equality, which means supporting women’s right to participate in all aspects of society, including the military and combat roles. It should not be equality only when it benefits certain district group,” a tweep wrote.

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